Update from Session: Outdoor Worship

Dear friends,

Session decided to begin outdoor worship services on August 9 in the West Parking Lot as pictured above. These in-person worship services will be immediately suspended if someone in attendance of the service tests positive for COVID-19 within two weeks of being in worship. (Please see the September 4 update below.)

We pray that this decision honors the need to gather, as well as mitigate as much risk as possible.

Here are some important details:

  • Worship, for now, will begin at 9:30 instead of 10:00. This is to maximize shade and keep cooler temperatures.

  • Masks and physical distancing are required.

  • If you are able, please bring your own seating. Chairs will be available. We are trying to minimize the number of surfaces that will need to be sanitized.

  • The service will include music, prayer, scripture, and preaching. We will refrain from congregational singing.

  • Inclement weather plans will be shared before the first service.

  • Please do not come if you are feeling any symptoms related to COVID-19.

  • Virtual worship, though in a modified form, will continue to be made available.

Please do not feel compelled to attend in-person worship services. They are so many other ways to stay connected to God and one another at this time. Please speak to Pastor Michael or an elder if there is anyway we can help you stay connected.

There will be unanticipated challenges as we take this step together. We trust that we will engage these challenges with patience, understanding, and a sense of humor!


Anne Frantz, Clerk of Session

Michael Isaacs, Pastor

August 6, UPDATE:

In the event of inclement weather, please use the recorded material for worship. If it is raining but you could baseball in the rain, we may have the in-person service without instruments or electronics. (This would prevent us from live-streaming.) In the event of thunder or a downpour, there will be no in-person gathering, and we will attempt to live-stream the service from another location (we need the live-streaming practice!) In any event, our recorded service will be available.

Any decision about inclement weather will be on the website and Facebook by 8:45 a.m. on Sunday. We know this is complicated; thank you for your patience!

September 4, UPDATE:

There has been a change in our outdoor worship policy. We communicated earlier that the service would move back to only being virtual if Butler County returned to a Level 3 (red) emergency. Butler County was moved to emergency Level 3 (red) on Thursday afternoon. Session re-considered our policy this afternoon. The emergency level of Butler County will be one factor considered among others in this determination. Outdoor worship will continue at this time. We thank you for everyone's diligence in physical distancing and mask wearing, and we reiterate that no one should feel compelled to attend at this time.